LATEST: OKX Introduces New Layer 2 Network on Mainnet to Onboard 50 Million Users

OKX, a major player in the cryptocurrency exchange market, has announced the launch of X Layer, its innovative Ethereum-based zero-knowledge Layer 2 network. Officially rolled out Monday, X Layer, developed with Polygon’s Chain Development Kit, promises enhanced transaction efficiency and reduced costs while ensuring Ethereum network security. The network supports over 170 decentralized applications and is touted by OKX CMO Haider Rafique as the “highway infrastructure” for Web3, aimed at providing seamless and interoperable ecosystem experiences.

The launch represents a strategic expansion for OKX, which integrates its platform token to manage transaction fees on X Layer. This development is expected to significantly bolster user engagement by providing an easy onboarding pathway for OKX’s 50 million users worldwide, and facilitating a unified liquidity and user experience across multiple chains via its blockchain aggregation layer, AggLayer.


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