Monero’s community wallet loses all funds after attack

A recent attack compromised Monero’s community crowdfunding wallet, wiping out its entire balance of 2,675.73 Monero (XMR), worth nearly $460,000.

The incident took place on Sept. 1 but was only disclosed on GitHub on Nov. 2 by Monero’s developer Luigi. According to him, the source of the breach has not been identified yet.

“The CCS Wallet was drained of 2,675.73 XMR (the entire balance) on September 1, 2023, just before midnight. The hot wallet, used for payments to contributors, is untouched; its balance is ~244 XMR. We have thus far not been able to ascertain the source of the breach.”

Monero’s Community Crowdfunding System (CCS) funds development proposals from its members. “This…

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