
$1M – $10M MarketCap:
- Fabwelt (WELT): 190%
- Hot Cross (HOTCROSS): 105%
- Berry (BERRY): 78%
- Meme AI Coin (MEMEAI): 72%
- Minu (MINU): 57%
$10M – $100M MarketCap:
- iMe Lab (LIME): 79%
- Non-Playable Coin (NPC): 63%
- r/FortNiteBR Bricks (BRICK): 59%
- Creo Engine (CREO): 40%
- Moonwell (WELL): 39%
$100M – $1B MarketCap:
- Huobi Token (HT): 59%
- MANTRA (OM): 55%
- Unizen (ZCX): 55%
- Milady Meme Coin (LADYS): 55%
- Marblex (MBX): 39%
Disclaimer: Market capitalizations can vary in real-time. The information provided here is intended purely for educational purposes and should not, under any circumstances, be construed as financial advice.
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