LATEST: Senator Lummis Defends Bitcoin in Response to DOJ’s Regulatory Stance

Senator Cynthia Lummis took to X (formerly Twitter) to criticize the Biden administration’s recent policy direction, which she believes undermines the core principles of Bitcoin and decentralized finance. Expressing her deep concern, Lummis highlighted the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) view that non-custodial software may constitute a money transmission service, a position that she argues contradicts established Treasury guidelines and violates basic legal principles. She emphasized that such interpretations threaten fundamental property rights, including the freedom to self-custody digital assets and independently manage network nodes. Lummis pledged to stand up for these essential rights, reaffirming her support for individuals’ ability to hold their own keys and operate their own nodes without undue government interference. In her view, protecting these rights is critical to upholding the values of freedom and decentralization that Bitcoin represents.


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