LATEST: Donald Trump Leads U.S. Presidents in Accepting Bitcoin Lightning Payments

Donald Trump has announced the acceptance of Bitcoin via the Lightning Network for his 2024 campaign donations, a first for any U.S. President. This collaboration with OpenNode and Anedot introduces a high-speed, cost-efficient method for political contributions, firmly aligning Trump with the future of digital currency in American politics.

During a recent speech at a Libertarian Party convention, Trump pledged to champion the rights of the nation’s 50 million crypto holders and even proposed commuting Ross Ulbricht’s sentence, advocating for progressive crypto policies. This move not only cements his stance on technological innovation but also aims to draw the significant crypto enthusiast voter base.

Contrastingly, President Biden recently vetoed legislation favorable to Bitcoin, which would have allowed financial firms to handle cryptocurrencies. This positions Trump as a proponent of financial freedom and technological advancement, challenging Biden’s more cautious approach to cryptocurrency.


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