Whale Alert: 77,500,000 USDC (77,555,128 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to Coinbase
Transaction URL: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x09e64dbed140528ca539bbc9519e6fd6f19b43011c6847f9a2c256b08618b347
Whale Alert: 9,807 ETH (32,866,084 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to Coinbase
Whale Alert: 9,807 ETH (32,454,678 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to Coinbase
Whale Alert: 7,319 ETH (24,164,082 USD) moved from Coinbase Institutional to unknown wallet
Whale Alert: 13,671 ETH (45,043,585 USD) transferred to Coinbase Institutional