Whale Alert: 1,900 BTC (109,407,441 USD) moved from undisclosed wallet to undisclosed wallet
Transaction URL: https://blockchain.com/btc/tx/ac1ba78db565ed40fc5879436b34f5e5e80e696ce55d7ddd4b83e425fe980eb3
Whale Alert: 2,000 BTC (114,678,661 USD) transferred between unknown wallets
Daily US Bitcoin ETFs Net Flow Analysis (As of July 11, 2024)
Whale Alert: 120,000,000 USDC (119,407,320 USD) transferred from Coinbase Institutional to unknown wallet
Whale Alert: 90,046,807 USDC (90,122,149 USD) burned at USDC Treasury
Inflation print comes in cooler than expected, stocks flat