KyberSwap hacker offers $4.6 million bounty for return of $46 million loot

The decentralized exchange KyberSwap has offered a 10% bounty reward to the hacker who stole $46 million on Nov. 22 and left a note of negotiation. The exchange wants 90% of the loot returned by 6am UTC on Nov.25.

On Nov. 23, KyberSwap alerted users that its liquidity solution, KyberSwap Elastic, was compromised and advised them to withdraw funds. In the meantime, on Nov. 22, the hacker made away with roughly $20 million in Wrapped Ether (wETH), $7 million in wrapped Lido-staked Ether (wstETH) and $4 million in Arbitrum (ARB). The hacker then siphoned the loot across multiple chains, including Arbitrum, Optimism, Ethereum, Polygon and Base.

KyberSwap hacker shared his openness to… Read more on Cointelegraph

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