Google, Robinhood Veteran Aims To Bring Bitcoin Multsig To The Masses With Theya

Company Name: Theya

Founders: Sriram Bhargav Karnati, Smeet Bhatt and Vikas Choudhary

Date Founded: December 2023

Location of Headquarters: San Francisco, CA

Amount of Bitcoin Held in Treasury: “It’s significant.”

Number of Employees: 7


Public or Private? Private

Sriram Bhargav Karnati believes that top-notch security and usability are not mutually exclusive when it comes to managing your bitcoin.

So, he and his co-founders at Theya have built a multsig bitcoin vault — a mechanism that requires multiple participants to sign off on a Bitcoin transaction — that users can conveniently manage from their mobile devices.

“Our mission is to make self-custody…

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