Whale Alert: 5,157,399,791 #MATIC (608,702,227 USD) transferred from #Bitvavo to unknown wallet
Transaction URL: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x74d19c35b5b4e6be7946db761b9365e3feb2c1914ae281ac7f6943c4d36e4bd5
Uniswap Labs to pay $175K in CFTC settlement
LATEST: Japan Slashes Bitcoin and Crypto Tax Rates from 55% to 20%
Whale Alert: 605,835,668 USDC (605,865,959 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to Coinbase Institutional
Whale Alert: 121,167,148 USDC (121,179,265 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to Coinbase Institutional
Ethereum September Returns Over the Years