LATEST: Bitwise CIO Says Influential Finance Executives Allocate Funds to Bitcoin and Crypto

A growing number of top financial advisors are investing in crypto assets personally, signaling a potential shift in the finance world, according to Bitwise CIO Matt Hougan. Speaking at the Barron’s Advisor 100 Summit, Hougan revealed that around 70% of advisors now own Bitcoin or other crypto assets, a sharp rise from just 10-20% in previous years.

Hougan noted that while advisors aren’t yet making significant crypto allocations in client portfolios—largely due to broker-dealer restrictions—this personal adoption could signal what’s ahead. Historically, personal investments by advisors often translate to client recommendations within 6 to 12 months.

This trend, along with other bullish indicators like recent Bitcoin ETF approvals and interest rate cuts, suggests a promising future for crypto. Hougan emphasized that personal investment fosters understanding, stating, “When it spreads from them to their clients, things could get interesting quickly.”


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