Whale Alert: 1,850 BTC (118,718,557 USD) moved from undisclosed wallet to new mysterious wallet
Transaction URL: https://blockchain.com/btc/tx/654337b29420d189cc721d10e0f8b5373a7fb42f1e9279bc3512d6d40b90fea0
Whale Alert: 2,006 BTC (128,948,397 USD) moved from undisclosed wallet to new unknown wallet.
Whale Alert: 2,007 BTC (129,127,554 USD) moved from undisclosed wallet to mysterious new wallet
Whale Alert: 2,002 BTC (128,905,306 USD) moved between unknown wallets
Whale Alert: 2,004 BTC (129,049,311 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to unknown new wallet
Whale Alert: 2,005 BTC (129,133,795 USD) moved between undisclosed wallets