Whale Alert: 1,998 BTC (127,437,359 USD) moved from undisclosed wallet to new mysterious wallet
Transaction URL: https://blockchain.com/btc/tx/7d1bd9958422a1086cf0e35a8d8ecbb91e29656fdc9a926e8e0142dce1028342
Whale Alert: 1,998 BTC (127,517,774 USD) moved from undisclosed wallet to new undisclosed wallet
Whale Alert: 1,999 BTC (127,519,626 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to unknown new wallet
Whale Alert: Nearly 1,998 BTC ($127,693,619 USD) moved from undisclosed wallet to unknown destination
Whale Alert: 1,998 BTC (127,604,317 USD) moved from undisclosed wallet to new undisclosed wallet
Whale Alert: 57,305 ETH (149,320,032 USD) moved between undisclosed wallets